Northwind Hypothesis Testing

I was tasked with coming up with actionable business steps for the company of Northwind, based on data insights from their company database. I would need to dig into their database via SQL query commands, use the data to come up with insights, and test those insights with hypothesis testing to check for significance. I tried to revolve my insights around three key areas that most businesses would be concerned about:

Relationship Data Visualizations - A Starting Point

Data visualizations are a crucial part of any data science project. We use visualizations to confirm relationships between data, discover new relationships, determine outliers, and to communicate a message about the data. A lot of visualizations have similar attributes and can communicate a message the same way, so data scientists can really take advantage of particular techniques that work best for them. As I continually develop visualizations for my data science projects, there are a few methods that I continually resort to using when beginning a project to help determine relationships among the data at the beginning of projects. Some of these early stage techniques I like to use are: scatter plots, histograms, scatter matrices, and heat maps.